Another said the calls for nationalisation had grown after the dire second-quarter UK growth figures and the ongoing problems RBS was having with clearing up its balance sheet. 另一位官员称,在英国第二季度报出极差的增长数据、苏格兰皇家银行在清理其资产负债表方面持续面临问题之后,呼吁国有化的声音变得更为响亮。
Therefore, at every time of clearing, the total amounts on both sides of the clearing house's balance sheet are always equal. 所以,在每次交换时,票据交换所资金平衡表两边的总金额总是相等的。
Because of their ability to effect international transfers, clearing banks make money from overseas countries by providing a service, and in this way directly improve the balance of payments position of country. 清算银行由于有国际汇划能力,可以通过提供服务的方法,从海外国家赚取资金,以改善一国收支状况。
You have shown no intention of clearing the balance. 贵公司尚未表现任何偿付未付款项的意愿。
And unlike what most models assume, prices are not properly clearing all markets: the cost of credit may be record-low but it is hard to find lenders not shrinking their balance sheets. 同时,与大多数模型所的假设不同,价格并未完全令所有市场都明朗化:信贷成本或许处于创纪录低位但要想找出没有收缩其资产负债表的银行,却十分困难。
Robust provisioning leads to sensible clearing prices and the ability to restructure loans and move impaired assets off the balance sheet. 强有力的拨备将确立合理的清算价格,使银行有能力重组贷款,并将不良资产从资产负债表上剥离。
While designing the clearing member system, clearing house should keep its balance between their risk management ability and transaction cost of members. 结算机构在设计结算会员制时需在提高风险防御能力和降低会员结算成本两个目标间权衡。